Saturday, September 2, 2017

Home with a rising sun

Early morning coffee with book opened, speaking to me about giving my broken heart to others as communion, when my devotion studying husband, exclaims he will not be on social media for a while. Conversation about the way of this world and the hate that comes from the mouth of well meaning Christ followers begins as we in agreement say that we are all brothers and sisters in Christ and should love one another.

I, in frustrated tone, say that a brother is not just the suit wearing deacon on Sunday morning, but also the heroine addict, covered in his own vomit, lying on the street somewhere. How do we teach a judgmental world that judgement is not ours? How do we show an unforgiving world, that forgiveness has already been given? How do we love when we are all so different and how, pray you, do we teach our kids? We both agree and then with coffee to lips, I hear that freckled faced boy say, “Mommy, come look!” as he puts cereal in a bowl.

“What is it?” I ask as I underline a sentence about compassion and listen as an excited voice gives the answer my husband and I seek.

“The sun is rising, Mommy!” …….oh the wisdom in those words. My heart leaped as I met my husband’s eyes and smile on both of our faces we walked to the window to see boy on tip toes peering out over the sink to see the sun rise through the trees - rising over our home, and, all of our neighbors.

Before I could even ask, the Father gently answered, “This…this is how we show love and compassion.” I needed no further instruction. Love had already shown us the way – we just needed to do it.

Long before my Great-Grand parents met, God in his mercy gave us his Son, to fulfill His destiny, to free us from sin that bound us. Jesus showed compassion and love by forgiving with no expectation of acceptance. He freely gave His life, with full knowledge that there would be those that would reject his sacrifice with their dying breath. He saw me, saw my sin, yet he still loved me.

Then, with all hope lost, on the third day, he defeated death and rose, giving hope to the lost.

The next time you see something on social media, in the paper, or hear a conversation that strikes anger, remember this….

Above all, maintain an intense love for each other, since love covers a multitude of sins. Be hospitable to one another without complaining.
1 Peter 4:8-9

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