Sunday, February 26, 2017

The Fog

Ever notice fog on a burden laden dewy kissed morning? Structures lay like shadows in the heavy mist as clouds lower in atmosphere to embrace the earth. Trees, fences, houses, street signs are all but ghost as the fog slowly ascends covering the eyes view of what was so clear only moments before. While walking through, one notices that the fog is not still, but moving at the pace of an half empty honey jar, sprinkled with sugar crystals. Clothing becomes moist and a chill finds its way into your bones.

This must be why Hollywood likes to use fog when showing a dark and scary scene. The fog prohibits our sight and things that we know are there, are suddenly hard to find. One, can lose their way, when stumbling through the fog.

Years ago, after I had my youngest son, I found myself in a fog. It wasn’t until I started to see the light shining through that I even realized I was in a fog. Baby blues, post-partum, mommy sadness…. Call it what you want, but I was in a fog of post-partum. The only person to notice, was my mother in law, whom I lashed out at and refused her help. Becoming angry when she would drop in or offer to help. I didn’t even realize why I was so angry and it took many years to fully wake up and kick myself for not allowing her to help me.  

This is the way many sinners walk through life. The fog of sin so thick they can’t see all of the joy and goodness that is just one acceptance away. Like me with my Mother in law, when Followers try to talk to the lost about Christ love, they lash out and many don’t even know why. For the Follower, we can see how dark and sad their lives are. Constantly searching for happiness in new relationships, new diets, new clothing trends, new food, expensive trips, you name it. But to the lost traveling through the fog, the happiness that the Son provides, it’s lost in a dense fog, covering everything.

“Listen, you blind, so that you may see. Who is blind but My servant, or deaf like My messenger I am sending? Who is blind like My dedicated one or blind like the servant of the Lord? Though seeing many things, you do not obey. Though his ears are open, he does not listen.”

Is 42: 18-20


Remember when you see that person in the fog that Paul tells us in, Romans 3:10, There is none righteous, not one. At one time we were all blind and walking in the fog. Only God can provide the sun that will dissolve the fog and give eyes to the joy that lies ahead. Pray for those walking through the fog. Like the scripture says, though seeing many things, you do not obey. That is all of us. No one sin is greater than the other. The difference for a Follower of Christ, is that, His blood has forgiven us. Those lost in the fog, are without forgiveness.

Father God, we lift up those lost in the fog of this Principality. We pray that the joy you have given to us, will soon be accepted by them. Amen

Sunday, February 19, 2017


I waited in line at the fast food place we decided to pick up food and watched as the sky turned a magnificent shade of orange and red. The sun was making its final descent over the curve of the sky and I could help but be amazed at the awesomeness of our God. From the back of the car I heard video playing paused voice say, the sun is still up and I can see the moon. Traveling home, I too noticed the moon. I thought to myself how is it that two objects, meant to provide light, can be so different in the same sky. The sun delivers brilliant shows of color as it ascends and descends, daily. So bright, that looking into it directly results in black spots blinding for many moments afterward, slowed traffic on busy mornings, and hands providing shade when positioned in its direction. The moon cast no color during ascending and descending. The color is white or gray with light barely directing paths in the night. This, is what led me on a week long conversation in my head. Playing with words and trying to understand the difference? How could two objects, with the same purpose be so completely different?

My first thought was as a representation of God with color and beauty that governs the day and the moon was a representation of the enemy governing over the night. I played with the words but I could not get them right. I knew God wanted to see, to understand, something. Oh God of Heaven and Earth, speak…

The book I am reading during my quiet time in the morning took a turn that could only have been divine timing as the author talked of the Harvest Moon. The first morning, I did as the author and I went outside where the moon still hung in the early morning as the Sun shone colorways of orange across the sky. The moon lay perfectly still in between two leafless trees from the view point on my porch. The crisp air stung at my still wet hair, reminding me that spring had not yet come. I snapped a few pictures, desperately trying to capture what only my eye could behold. The camera eye could not capture what my God made eye could see. I lingered as long as the cool air allowed and walked back in, still unsure of the message my God was sharing.

Unable to shake this feeling that I needed to understand the moon, I googled Moon light.

“The moon shines because its surface reflects the light from the sun. And despite the fact that it sometimes seems to shine very brightly, the moon reflects only between 3 and 12 percent of the sunlight that hits it. The perceived brightness of the moon from Earth depends on where the moon is in its orbit around the planet.” (

The moon’s light is only a reflection of the sun…. That was something and my mind began to shift, but still, I knew I was missing it. What was God trying to tell me?

The next morning, the woman in the book lay in worship before the Lord in a sea of wheat, praising the Savior for creation. I looked toward the door and quickly shook off the small voice telling me to go outside. A car drove down the road and another voice said, they will see you. I looked back to my book, but my eyes quickly looked to the door and I began to walk. I grabbed a shawl from the coat closet and wrapped it around me, unclear of the Lord’s desire for me to walk outside. I opened the door and listened to hear if my husband was still in the shower. I saw the moon stationed between the trees and I wanted to be closer. I walked the steps down to the sidewalk and stood without moving to the grass. My mind thought of the author laying on the ground and I looked at my work clothes and dismissed this thought but instead I sunk as low as my aging knees would allow and began to thank God for the beauty I was seeing.

It was at this moment I heard God speak and tears were flowing down my face without my knowing. We are the moon….. We are a reflection of Christ. Without Christ, we are void of light and only darkness. It is his love that reflects off us and provides light into an other wise dark world. The light that shines from us depends on how close our relationship orbits with the Father, growing brighter the closer we get. Tears continued to flow as I remained low as long as my knees allowed, repeating, we are the moon, we, are the moon, thank you thank you. Just as the moon was created to reflect the sun’s light over the darkness of night, we were created to reflect the Son’s light over the dark world.  I rose slowing not wanting the moment to end, the beauty in the morning glow of revelation swept over me and tears stained my work clothes as I sat back down to enjoy the last few minutes of coffee before the busy and let the tears continue to flow.   

In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning.

All things were created through Him, and apart from Him not one thing was created that has been created.

Life was in Him, and that life was the light of men.

The light shines in the darkness, yet the darkness did not overcome it.

                                                                                        John 1: 1-5


Sunday, February 12, 2017

Jehovah-Rapha: The Lord who heals

Jehovah-Rapha: The Lord who heals

The only sound I could hear was the pounding of my own heart and that still small voice pushing me forward. I questioned it shaking it off and ignoring it as I watched 9 people make their way to the front of the church. I watched confused as I heard that urging to walk forward and stand at the front of the church. It was so odd for our Pastor to call people to the front, even the day I accepted Christ I had raised a hand in blind view of a congregation. Now, as 9 others stood I knew I was number 10, as  her name came in audible sound and I realized with humbled understanding, that I did, in deed hold anger in my heart and I needed to release it by forgiving her.

For God was pleased to have all His fullness dwell in Him, and through Him to reconcile everything

to Himself by making peace through the blood of His cross- whether things on earth or things in heaven.

Colossians 1: 19-20

Right after church I drove to her house with a peace I had not felt since the day I accepted my Savior. I walked with boldness to her door and she opened it as if expecting me. I sat with her and apologized for the anger I had, explaining why and releasing a weight I never realized I held. She looked at me astonished and only said she had no idea I was angry. She never acknowledged her part, but that was okay. I was not there to hear an apology, only to give one.

Therefore, God’s chosen ones, holy and loved, put on heartfelt compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience,

Accepting one another and forgiving one another if anyone as a complaint against anther. Just as the Lord

has forgiven you, so you must also forgive.

Colossians 3: 12-13

We, as followers of Christ, as expected to forgive others. The harsh reality of it, as flesh, we expect to receive the same from the person we are forgiving. We see this in movies and TV shows as the characters all huddle in a hug of compassion, forgiving each other and going off into the sunset to live happily ever after. The truth is, in life that is not always the case. Christ does not ask us to forgive so we can watch as the other person realizes their wrong and ask for forgiveness, instead he ask us to forgive, so that we can be realized from the anger it causes us.

Do you ever find yourself thinking about a person that wronged you and having a heated conversation in your head, proving over and over again why you are right and they are wrong? Do you find that you feel better when that imaginary conversation is over, or do you find that you are angry, sad, or just defeated? Holding on to that does nothing but hurt you. Not everyone needs to have a moment like I had, for some of us the person we need to forgive is gone or unavailable. Find a way to forgive them. Write them a letter that you never mail, go to your knees in prayer and tell God all that you wants to say and then succumb to forgiving release.

I realize that some wrongs are too hard to forgive and go back to a loving relationship with someone. There are those situations where you forgive someone, but due to the circumstances of the wrong doing, it is better to forgive and then let God do the rest.

I know that the day I forgave, was a turning point in my life. I was able to move past a part of my life that had so much control over me. The really scary thing is, I never realized how much control that part of my past, controlled.

Above all, put on love-the perfect bond of unity. And let the peace of the Messiah, to which you were also called in one body,

Control your hearts. Be thankful.

Colossians 1: 14-15

Jehovah Rapha, my Father who heals, I pray you heal the wounds of those reading this. Give them the ability to lay it at the cross and let go of anger in their lives. I lift up each person that is reading this and pray it finds the right audience, for your glory, not mine. Amen.