Sunday, October 30, 2016

Morning Light

Morning Light

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Even the darkness is not dark to You.

The night shines like the day; darkness and light are alike to You.

Ps 139:12

I pull out of my driveway and notice the moon still high above the earth. As I merge onto the highway I notice the sky begin to turn pink and orange as the Sun ascends. It struck me the other morning as I watched, the moon disappear, that morning darkness, is different from night darkness. Have you ever been outside as the sun beings to descend and notice how dark it is? The darkness surrounds you thick and your eyesight becomes foggy as you try to see in front of you. With the morning, though it is dark, the darkness doesn’t seem to have that same fog?

As a child, I feared the night. I would lay in bed and listen to every noise, I had to know exactly what each sound was. I remember I had this clock that would, tick tock, and I knew down to the second when I would hear it. Sometimes a new sound would enter the darkness and I would lay in bed afraid. I would stare into the darkness trying to figure out what the noise was. I was too afraid to get out of bed and turn on the light, so some nights I would lay until shear exhaustion would finally take over and I would wake to my alarm in the morning. As a young child, I would lay in bed and cry out for my mother, until she would come and take my sister to her bed to sleep beside my dad and then she would crawl in bed with me. As a young girl, I had nightmares that would wake me, but as a teen-ager, it was the darkness that caused me fear.

When I moved out on my own, I learned to sleep in a house with just myself and my son. The darkness didn’t bother me as much, but those nightmares followed me. Then, I gave my life to Christ and the Holy Spirit in me, gave the enemy a run for his money. I can remember one nightmare I was having was so disturbing that I woke myself up, shouting scripture! Praise God! The scripture I had learned as a child was flowing from my mouth. I sat up and shouted the words….

“For the Lord has given his Angels charge over me and they will keep me in all my ways, and in my path there is life and there is no death!” Over and over again I said it, until I was calm and dark, was no longer as dark as it had once been.

It stuck me that it is like that for those lost. When darkness comes it surrounds them with no hope, only pain and despair. For followers of Christ, we know that darkness cannot overcome the light.

That light shines in the darkness,

yet the darkness did not overcome it.

John 1:5

Rarely, I still have nightmares. Now that I am married, I normally snuggle up to my husband and I still say scripture over and over again, until the enemy flees and my mind is clear of the nightmare that woke me. When we have a relationship with the Father, we don’t have to worry about the darkness. Like John says, the darkness did not overcome the Light. You see, where there is light, there is no darkness. Darkness by definitions is void of light. That is what happens to nonbelievers.

Lord, You light my lamp; my God illuminates my darkness.

Ps 18:28

Being a follower of Christ does not mean that we will not have dark days, but it does mean that the darkness cannot overcome the light in our lives. . Let me say that again, the darkness in our lives, cannot overcome the light in our lives. We are never void of light, praise God, we always have the light, guiding us through.


Our Father who is in Heaven, Holy is your name. Lord, I come to you with thanksgiving in my heart for the light in my life. The light that shines when the darkness begins to fall and the enemy starts to take my down a road of fear. I praise you for scripture held dear to my heart that causes the enemy to flee as even in sleep I know to call out to you for protection with your living, breathing word. Lift up those reading this that have fear in their hearts and show them the Light. If any does not know you as their personal Savior, then Lord I pray they desire a relationship with you and give themselves to you. Amen.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Glory in Tribulation

Glory in Tribulation

Image result for person in a storm
Two years ago my family went through major changes. The enemy attacked my husband and me, twice within a 6 month period. Both attacks involved our children, one was partially expected, just not as soon, the second came out of nowhere and shook our foundation. My husband took a 6 month break from teaching the Sunday school class he loves and I went into a downward spiral of depression.  I spent a lot of time trying to find the perfect prayer. I watched the movie, War Room, and immediately created a war room of my own. I started a journal like the movie suggested. When that didn’t “fix” things. I tried to find the perfect prayer and pray “correctly”. I thought if I used the right words, God would fix everything and when that didn’t work, I became angry and cried out in frustration to God.

Over the last two years, our family has done some amazing things. My husband went to Honduras on a mission trip and has committed more time to work in the church. I started reading my bible daily and working in different areas in the church. God, has blessed us beyond measure. At one point, all I could do was cry as God poured his blessings on us. We had no explanation for most of what was happening and still don’t. I remember looking at my husband and saying through tears, it is too much, we are not worthy.

We are still in the storm and still praying for restoration. We know that God is protecting us. We know that God allowed each thing to happen when it did to protect us from further hurt from the enemy. So, while our hearts ache, we rejoice in the knowledge, that God saw this attack and placed angels around to prevent something more.

When the enemy attacks all we can think about is the pain we are feeling at that very moment. I have had time to look at the last two years and realize that God used these last two years to build a stronger relationship with me. I love more. I don’t judge, as much. I’ve learned that all sin is sin and I thank God that he does not judge one sin more than another. I try to see past the sin and look at how the enemy is deceiving someone. If we search deep down at sin, that is what we will find deception. The promise of something better, but it never is.

Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ,

 through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God

. And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance;

 and perseverance, character; and character, hope.

Romans 5: 1-4

It took a long time for me to, glory in tribulation. What tribulation are you going through? Have you found glory or are you allowing the enemy to steal your joy? Nothing makes the enemy angrier than to see you grow in character and hope, when he tries to steal, kill and destroy.

If you are going through a storm today, remember, God knew this would happen. He saw it and He is with you. He will see you through and you will come out of it. We are not promised a perfect life, but for those of us that have accepted Christ as our personal Savior, this, is the only Hell we will ever know.

Father God, Thank you for sending an army of angels to protect when the enemy attacks. Thank you for your word that reminds us that it is through these times we grow. I pray for those going through the storm right now. I pray they glory in the tribulation and know that you have already won.