Saturday, March 24, 2018


Image result for hawk soaring early morning

Morning cup of coffee safely wrapped in a travel mug, racing out the door with extra hugs and kisses still lingering, a warmed-up car sitting in the drive way, and I see it. The long graceful wings of a Hawk, soaring high above and then land on the highest point, as the morning dusk barely gives light and morning commuters too concerned with dew covered windshields and early morning meetings, drive by, never knowing, he watches.

I move to a better viewing area and stare upward, allowing precious traffic minutes to escape as I take in the scene. This, I think to myself, is where God always is. Soaring high above, watching us, even when we are at our lowest point. As the thought unfolds, the Hawk takes flight and I smile as wings expand and he lands in a neighbors Pine. I only see the top of his perfectly sculpted head, as I back out of my drive way.

What a beautiful thought….our God is always on High, waiting and watching, as the enemy prowls like a lion, lurking around the earth, waiting to bounce on his prey, our God soars overhead. How comforting.

But those who trust in the Lord will renew their strength;

they will soar on wings like eagles; they will

run and not grow weary;

they will walk and not faint.

IS 40:31

It is at our lowest moments, we tend to bury ourselves in self-pity, despair, and sink into a place of regret. We tell ourselves that God has forgotten us and ask why is this happening? We look down on everything, instead of looking upward, where we should know that our God is soaring above the prowling lion, protecting us from the Prince of darkness.

Father, thank you for moments like this that remind me that no matter how hard life is, you are always soaring above, looking out and taking care of our needs. Protect us Lord, let us find protections in your wings. Amen

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