Sunday, September 9, 2018

The Builder

The Builder

Hebrews 3:3-4
For Jesus is considered worthy of more glory than Moses, just as the Builder has more honor than the house. Now every house is built by someone but the One who built everything is God.

Do we praise the Builder or the created?

In today’s economy we see homes go up in as little as 90 days – which makes it hard to appreciate the designer. A neighborhood is no longer filled with various home designs, as all homes have the same basic 4 or 5 styles, with “add-on” additions. You end up with homes lined together in cracker- jack neighborhoods and yards just big enough for a patio. Other than a little brick here or rock front there, the homes look the same.

The inside of each home is also the same basic design, minus a bedroom or bonus room, but with open floor plans, large Master bedroom with a large bathroom and walk in closet. The colorways are all the same for walls, carpet or hardwood floors. This is the popular design and most everyone wants the same thing.

Is this how we view our Builder? Creator God… Provider, Healer, Designer? Do we see God only loving cracker- jack people that look the same, dress the same, speak the same, and worship the same?

God our Builder, took time to create an archeological marvel with every person that has ever been conceived. Our features are different from our hair color and texture, to our eye color, body shape, complexion, accent and our attributes are all different, from:

How we think…

How we love….

Image result for cross love

We have different views and opinions. Our laugh is different, our smile is different, we worry different and we have different fears. We decorate our homes and bodies different, from paint, to tattoos, to clothing, shoes, etc.

We also, all sin different. This is why God sees all sin the why Christ did not come to the world to judge it, but to save it. The next time you see your neighbor do something “unchristian like”, remember the log in your own eye, before you judge the splinter in theirs.

What I am trying to say is that we all do not fit in the same box. When you see someone different, someone that has a different view from you, love them. Share Christ with them through your love for them. You may be the only Christ they ever see.

Father, we all thank you for loving us enough to create us different. To give us differences to love from and grow as a society. As we go into the world, let us be a light sharing Christ love and leave the judgement to You. Amen.

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