Saturday, February 3, 2018

Mighty Forest

Image result for early morning images of Charlotte from Freedom drive

Morning traffic with drapes of darkness still hovering over the roadway, music cranked up loud, and morning dew still clinging to my windows, as my mind races with all of the “new” this year brings. A funny conversation with a friend, new job responsibilities, home life decisions, and I hear the Savior’s whisper of slow down, breath, and listen…..

The sky with finger swipes of pink and orange emerged from the madness in my mind as the dark drapes began to open to the slowly rising sun. Crossing over the Catawba, fog rose from hidden still waters, as the Queen city’s shadow showed her first trace. The trees were still clusters of dark matter, standing as one forest, a barrier for the homes behind them.

As the Queen City’s towers emerged full view and the sky burst open with brilliant colors that were so inspiring, many water coolers heard conversation and saw cell phone photos throughout the day and I turned my eyes to the trees. No longer just a cluster of one in the darkness but light now shone on each individual tree. In darkness they all looked alike, just one lump of trees without color, without shape, without character. In light, they become individuals with their own unique beauty.

This is how the Light transforms us. When we live in the darkness we are just another shapeless form, but when the Light shines on us, we become a powerful forest of individuals with unique skills, color, shapes, and strength.

In the beginning was the Word,[a]
and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God.
He was with God in the beginning.
All things were created through Him,
and apart from Him not one thing was created
that has been created.
Life was in Him,[b]
and that life was the light of men. That light shines in the darkness,
yet the darkness did not overcome[c] it.

                                                               John 1: 1-5 Holman

My tears found the familiar trails down my cheeks as I thought of the significance of what I was seeing. As more trees became visible I turned on to my exit, Freedom Drive. The Light gives us freedom to be individuals, although the darkness lies and makes those trapped in a shapeless forest think it’s the cover of darkness that gives them freedom. Darkness lies and makes you think that you can live your life however you want, do what you want and that is your freedom. But darkness came for one thing, to steal, kill and destroy. Darkness doesn’t care what you do with your life because darkness seeks to drag you with him, into the fire.

Light, cares how we live our lives because the Light sees us are individuals with unique gifts, talents, and abilities. The Light forgave us so that we can live eternally with Him. We are truly free in the Light because we can be who we were created to be.

Be an individual in the forest of Light. Love each person, no matter your differences. It takes many trees to form a forest and they are all different but all important. Each tree bears fruit that is different, but essential to life.

Does the Light shine on you? Do you bear fruit and share love with all? When Christ is the center, His Light overcomes the darkness and always will. If you want the Light today, will you join me in this prayer?

Father, I am in darkness and I am lost. I want to accept the forgiveness that Jesus Christ gave when He died on the cross. I want to be a Light into this world and I pray you forgive me. Amen.

Welcome my sister or brother. If you accepted Christ today, then know you have a forest praying for you. Feel free to reach out to me, if you need someone to pray with you.

Father, I pray that someone accepts you today.  I don’t want this blog to just be my words, I want it to serve as light in the world. Not for my glory, but for yours. I lift up all the readers and I pray for each of them. I pray you bring them healing, peace, and guidance this week. Amen.

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