Saturday, May 19, 2018

Always There

Always there

Morning coffee in a hand I watch with amusement as a rabbit joins my motley crew of fur and feathered friends, eating “bird” seed from my front lawn. Excited, I text my early morning rising dad and he text back, “LOL, you always did.”

He is right. That big ole brownish gray rabbit is not the first or will he be the last. Judging by his comfort of my presence, I would say he has been around for a while.

Picking up my bible, I began to read from Galatians, Chapter 5:1.

Christ has liberated us to be free. Stand firm and then don’t submit again to a yoke of slavery. 2 Take note! I, Paul, tell

you that if you get yourselves circumcised, Christ will not benefit you at all.

This speaks to the law of the Jews.

4. You who are trying to be justified by the law are alienated from Christ; you have fallen from grace.

5. For through the spirit, by faith, we eagerly wait for the hope of the righteousness.

6. For in Christ Jesus, neither circumcism nor uncircumcision accomplishes anything;





The law accomplishes nothing…..  What does accomplish is FAITH in Christ – working THROUGH LOVE.

Let me say this, before I continue. Laws are important for governments, but Christ dying on the cross is a new covenant and Paul is speaking to the Jews that feel they must continue to follow the old laws.

We cannot change this world with law and rules …..only Faith through Love.

It’s always been there, the way to heal, to share the Good News, to open up to those that don’t know the Savior, to be Christ to a world full of desperation. He has always been there….waiting for us to have Faith in Christ and work through love to heal His people.

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