Yesterday I sat with a gentleman
that was out give me an estimate for cleaning out our air ducts and a few other
things. He began showing me pictures he had taken under our home of areas that
allow for wasted heating and air conditioning. He then took me through pictures
of other older homes, showing how a home loses air, which in turn leads to
higher heating and air bills. This conversation could not have come at a better
time, due to the ridiculous check I just sent to the city for utilities. Of
course, it is yet again, a very hot summer in the beautiful South, thus a very
high bill to cool my tri-level home. I started to think about all of those
small holes in my home that were costing me more than I knew. Is it, like this
in our own lives? Small holes, small worldly things that waste energy and cause
us to pay a high price?
Even now, I sit alone at the
kitchen table, breakfast beside me, computer in front of me, while my sweet 9
year old eats his breakfast downstairs, while binge watching a Netflix cartoon.
While it seems harmless, how many evenings are spent with each family member in
a separate place eating dinner, scrolling Facebook, watching Netflix or doing
something other than eating together? As a child, we never ate a part. Dinner
time we sat together in the kitchen eating a dinner my mother prepared. There
were normally handmade buttermilk biscuits, a meat, bologna if it was the day
before Daddy got paid, and sweet tea to drink. My mother liked it really sweet!
If peas were involved, mom always baked potatoes, so I could hide my "yucky" green
peas in the empty potato. This was so ,Daddy would not force me to eat them.
Thank you Mom. J
This, is a hole in my family.
I know that in a few short years, puberty will infect my sweet baby and he will
no longer want to tell us the tales from a long day playing at the day-care.
Instead, he will want to be alone as his body changes and he is no longer
comfortable with the people trying to tell him what to do. Even at 9, he would
rather watch TV than to sit and eat dinner with us. My older son doesn’t mind,
when he is home, and encourages his younger brother to eat with us.
He was raised before social media and Netflix.
However, I do recall a time, that as a manger, I carried my phone, everywhere.
We had stopped at a Pizza Hut for dinner and before we headed in, my son ask me
to please leave my phone in the car so that he and I could eat dinner together.
I was taken back. I remember a feeling a deep sadness as I realized that he
felt like my cell phone came not just between us, but before him. I did leave
my phone in the car and it wasn’t long that God placed me in a less stressful
job, so I could be with him more.
Fast forward to a few days
Unlike, the man, currently
under my house, taking pictures of all of the holes and places that energy
escapes, in life we don’t have a service provider that can inspect our lives
and see where we waste energy. No one can come out and fill in the holes and
lay new insulation around us. What we do have, is God’s unfailing Word. We have
direct communication to the Father and we have the Holy Spirit, to guide us.
Then Jesus spoke to them again:
“I am the light of the world. Anyone who
follows Me will never
Walk in the darkness but will have the
light of life.”
John 8:12
In John Chapter 9, our Lord
and Savior heals a man blind from birth. The Pharisees, refusing to believe
that Jesus is the Savior, question the man many times and his parents, trying
to verify that he was indeed blind and that now he sees. The man, frustrated
with the Pharisees says:
“I already told you,” he said, “and you
didn’t listen. Why do you want to hear it again?
You don’t want to become His disciples
too, do you?”
Like with many unbelievers
today, the Pharisees ridiculed him and threw him out. The man got another jab
at the Pharisees, which is ultimately why they threw him out, but, I’ll let you
read that. Soon after, Jesus heard what happened to this man and found him.
When Jesus head that they had thrown the
man out, He found him and asked, “Do you believe in the Son of Man?”
“Who is He, Sir, that I may believe in
Him?” He ask
Jesus answered, “You have seen Him; in fact,
He is the One speaking with you.”
“I believe Lord!” he said, and he
worshiped Him.
Jesus said, “I came into this world for
judgment, in order that those who do not see will see and those who do see will
become blind.”
Some of the Pharisees who were with Him
heard these things and asked Him, “We aren’t blind too, are we?”
“If you were blind, “Jesus told them, “you
wouldn’t have sin. But now that you say, “We see” – your sin remains”
John 9: 35-41
How many times did the
Pharisees use Moses and Abraham to justify their unbelief? The truth was they
saw God sending a King that was to be served, not a man, serving others. They
had holes in their faith and refused to see them, therefore when they claimed
to “see” the truth, they in fact were sinning.
Have you ever wondered which
side you would have been on? Would you have believed that Jesus was the Christ
or would you have been shouting, “Crucify Him!” I recently had a conversation
like this with an Aunt on Facebook. I thought about her comment to me and
realized, that I would have probably found going against the Pharisees and the
tradition of the day, hard. I tend to be very conservative, (all of my close
friends are smiling), and I just don’t know if I would have believed? It scares
me to think I may have been crying out for his death instead of following Him
as I do now.
Father God, I pray that you help us find the holes in
our life. Help us move away from things that are wasting our energy and be a
more productive disciple of Christ. Amen.
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