Thursday, December 28, 2017

New Year's Resolution.....again.....

New Year’s Resolution……again……

Image result for Christ bought us with a price
Morning coffee on a cold, dark, morning and I look forward to alone time to spend with my computer and begin a new post for a new year. Pouring coffee I sigh as I realize that last year I talked about losing weight and looking at myself, I failed, again….  Then I think about how my husband and I spent yesterday, early afternoon. You see, we cleaned out a closet and I went through old pocketbooks. All of them were filled with the same things. A few coins in corners, gum wrapped in a piece of paper, old pieces of hard candy, gum wrappers, missing earrings and necklaces, and countless receipts and church bulletins. I begin to think about how long it had been since I had carried some of those purses and realized, not much has changed about me. The only purses that did not have stuff left in them were the three new expensive bags I got last year. Those purses were cleaned out and placed neatly in their little bag for storage.

This made me think, how do I see myself every year that I fail at the same resolution? A cheap imitation or a priceless temple that deserves to be well taken care of?

Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to your by

God? You do not belong to yourself, you were bought at a price. Therefore glorify

God with our body.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20

In full context, this scripture deals with sexual sin, but I choose it for today, because of verse 20. We were purchased at a price and we should glorify God with our body. You see, many years, I have sat in church and knew that gluttony is a sin, however, I have never heard a Pastor speak on it, that is, that I remember, until last year, when our new pastor touched on it during a sermon. I was very uncomfortable and I squirmed in my self-righteous chair. 4 years ago my Doctor put me on a daily steroid for asthma and within a few months my weight sky-rocketed. 4 years ago was also one of the most difficult times for my husband and I, as the enemy took vengeance on our family by attacking our older children. I ate and then ate some more, I stopped exercising, found solace in a new subscription to a TV streaming company, and decided that eating, knitting, and binge watching would fill my days. Now don’t get me wrong, nothing wrong with knitting, after all, even God knits us together in our mother’s womb.

Fast forward 4 years, 50 pounds, and a doctor visit on December the 12th where my doctor told me where I am on the BMI chart, and said, “You will die earlier at this weight. Fix it.”  Yes, she said this, yes she is still my doctor of 21 years, and I love her. She delivered both of my boys and she is not afraid to deliver truth. The next morning, all I could hear is, you will die….. So, on December the 13th, I joined Weight Watchers and had great success the first week. Then Christmas came, and now a sinus infection and enflamed asthma has me on heavy steroids, but, I’m not going to beat myself up. I am taking care of my temple and I will continue to do so.

So, what does this have to do with those pocketbooks? Well, first, every time I change pocketbooks, I tell myself that I am not going to leave stuff in them, anymore, as I leave stuff in them. Second, I always find candy that I’ve hidden, because I have struggled with my weight for many, many years. Third, you cannot expect old habits to die overnight, but as I learned from the expensive bags, when you place value on something, you treat it better. So, I am placing value on my temple. This is an instrument of God, a testimony, and I want to be a light in this dark world. It starts with realizing how expensive my temple is. You see, this temple, cost a King, His life.

Father God, tears steam down my cheeks with the words last typed. My whole life I have seen myself as a disposable old purse, instead of a more expensive one that deserve better treatment. My New Year’s resolution is not to lose weight, run a 5K, or give up sugar, it is to recognize the value of myself. I lift up those reading this today, which they also will choose a resolution to place value on themselves in God-fearing humble way and realize that we are so valuable, that a King died in our place. Thank you. Amen

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