Thursday, December 28, 2017

New Year's Resolution.....again.....

New Year’s Resolution……again……

Image result for Christ bought us with a price
Morning coffee on a cold, dark, morning and I look forward to alone time to spend with my computer and begin a new post for a new year. Pouring coffee I sigh as I realize that last year I talked about losing weight and looking at myself, I failed, again….  Then I think about how my husband and I spent yesterday, early afternoon. You see, we cleaned out a closet and I went through old pocketbooks. All of them were filled with the same things. A few coins in corners, gum wrapped in a piece of paper, old pieces of hard candy, gum wrappers, missing earrings and necklaces, and countless receipts and church bulletins. I begin to think about how long it had been since I had carried some of those purses and realized, not much has changed about me. The only purses that did not have stuff left in them were the three new expensive bags I got last year. Those purses were cleaned out and placed neatly in their little bag for storage.

This made me think, how do I see myself every year that I fail at the same resolution? A cheap imitation or a priceless temple that deserves to be well taken care of?

Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to your by

God? You do not belong to yourself, you were bought at a price. Therefore glorify

God with our body.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20

In full context, this scripture deals with sexual sin, but I choose it for today, because of verse 20. We were purchased at a price and we should glorify God with our body. You see, many years, I have sat in church and knew that gluttony is a sin, however, I have never heard a Pastor speak on it, that is, that I remember, until last year, when our new pastor touched on it during a sermon. I was very uncomfortable and I squirmed in my self-righteous chair. 4 years ago my Doctor put me on a daily steroid for asthma and within a few months my weight sky-rocketed. 4 years ago was also one of the most difficult times for my husband and I, as the enemy took vengeance on our family by attacking our older children. I ate and then ate some more, I stopped exercising, found solace in a new subscription to a TV streaming company, and decided that eating, knitting, and binge watching would fill my days. Now don’t get me wrong, nothing wrong with knitting, after all, even God knits us together in our mother’s womb.

Fast forward 4 years, 50 pounds, and a doctor visit on December the 12th where my doctor told me where I am on the BMI chart, and said, “You will die earlier at this weight. Fix it.”  Yes, she said this, yes she is still my doctor of 21 years, and I love her. She delivered both of my boys and she is not afraid to deliver truth. The next morning, all I could hear is, you will die….. So, on December the 13th, I joined Weight Watchers and had great success the first week. Then Christmas came, and now a sinus infection and enflamed asthma has me on heavy steroids, but, I’m not going to beat myself up. I am taking care of my temple and I will continue to do so.

So, what does this have to do with those pocketbooks? Well, first, every time I change pocketbooks, I tell myself that I am not going to leave stuff in them, anymore, as I leave stuff in them. Second, I always find candy that I’ve hidden, because I have struggled with my weight for many, many years. Third, you cannot expect old habits to die overnight, but as I learned from the expensive bags, when you place value on something, you treat it better. So, I am placing value on my temple. This is an instrument of God, a testimony, and I want to be a light in this dark world. It starts with realizing how expensive my temple is. You see, this temple, cost a King, His life.

Father God, tears steam down my cheeks with the words last typed. My whole life I have seen myself as a disposable old purse, instead of a more expensive one that deserve better treatment. My New Year’s resolution is not to lose weight, run a 5K, or give up sugar, it is to recognize the value of myself. I lift up those reading this today, which they also will choose a resolution to place value on themselves in God-fearing humble way and realize that we are so valuable, that a King died in our place. Thank you. Amen

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Conversation with an Angel

Image result for homeless
A season of endless prayers for restoration fell on silent ears, each morning as I drove to work. Endless storms, pressing in, as one by one, securities fail, and life looks forever different. A familiar road to work with a pit stop for breakfast and everything changed.

A few years back the enemy attacked my family, as I have talked about many times, and during one morning routine, I had the privilege of spoken words by Gods messenger.

Each morning, I dropped our youngest at school, and then drove to the Subway close to work, grabbed a breakfast sandwich, and then sat in the parking lot until time to drive to my office. However, this morning was different….. I didn’t turn down the side road, but decided to stay on the main road and I saw him. A man, homeless, with a cart full of bag necessities, walked slowly down the sidewalk.  Seeing homeless was not uncommon, as the railroad through the intersection provides a nice route to the Salvation Army, so I had seen this everyday. I knew their faces, clothes, carts, pets, but this man, I did not know. I couldn’t stop staring at him and I began to feel a stirring.

Buy two sandwiches…..

What? I don’t need two sandwiches and our bank account is low.

Buy two sandwiches and give him one……

But, what? It’s dangerous to speak to the homeless and besides, I don’t know what he likes.

Buy two of the sandwiches you normally get.

I turned in the parking lot, a head of him and still I argued.

Okay, I will buy two sandwiches, but I am not going to track him down and drive to him, this is not safe…..

 As, I started to walk into the restaurant, I noticed the man and cart stopped walking. He was looking around in his cart…he just stopped. Well, I thought, I can always give the extra sandwich to a co-worker, and I ordered.

Get two drinks.

Okay, but I am not going to drive after him and he will be long gone before I leave.

I walked out to my car, and he was still on the sidewalk. I started to back out and he began to walk again. His cart crossed the parking lot entrance as I got to the exit and he was at my door with perfect timing.

Roll down your window and give him the sandwich and drink.

Are you hungry? I got you something. …….and then his eyes met mine and I couldn’t look away as he boldly held my gaze. Dirty hands, warm and inviting, took the food, and eyes like I’ve never seen, held mine, as tears began to burn and blur my vision.

“God is going to bless you.” And I ….not him, said, Thank you, through choked voice. I rolled up my window, turned right onto the road and pulled into my office, not a block away. I looked back at my rear view mirror to watch him pass ……..but, he didn’t. He never did….I looked up the street and back down it….I looked to the railways and I didn’t see.

You will never see him, again.

….and I haven’t. I sobbed until I had to pull myself together, and I can still see his eyes as he said, God is going to bless you…..Not, God Bless you, like most say…..but, God is going to bless you. He said it with authority, assurance, and confidence. He was right. God has blessed me and my family in so many ways since that encounter.

Let brotherly love continue.

Don’t neglect to show hospitality, for by

doing this some have welcomed angels

as guest without knowing it.

Hebrews 13 1-2

I have no doubt this was an angel sent by God to give me encouragement. I am thankful for this encounter and pray that the next time; I argue a little less with God.

Father, thank you for ministering angels that send us your word. I pray that we all remember to show love to one another and treat everyone like they could be an angel. Amen

Sunday, November 12, 2017

I am the InnKeeper that turned away Love.

Image result for Christmas manger

The Holiday season has begun and as always, I am ready the day after Halloween to throw out Pumpkin Spice for the red cup of Christmas cheer! I know we still have a Thanksgiving bird to cook, but honestly, I’m thankful for the freedom to decorate my house in Christmas red, green, silver and gold, even as some of you choose to keep browns, golds, and shades of autumn around.  I always have these wonderful dreams of things my family will do to fill up our slim weekends after Halloween, but poof, just like that, they are all scheduled. This year is not exception and I wish that I could say that I’ve been smiling and accepting of all he extra, but, I can’t.

As each weekend has been spoken for by some unforeseen event, I have huffed and puffed. I’ve shown the calendar to my sweet husband and begged him to understand that “my” Christmas is being taken away because of all of these events, most of them, I’m embarrassed to admit, with our church. Instead of joy filling my soul that we have ministry opportunities in our church, I’ve ask, when will we decorate our house, when will we go Christmas shopping, when we will we clean the house? Me, Me, Me…..all me.

So, as you can imagine, when my husband came to me late one night, after a phone call, and said, we need to talk….. I tensed up. You see, we had a plan and I was finally, accepting the added duties, understanding that we had a plan. He began,  I’ve been ask to volunteer for one more thing, but I’m only doing this part of it ……translation, two to three more hours, each Saturday, taken away from, “my” Christmas. I wish I could say that I was understanding, I wish I could say that I met his enthusiasm to serve, I wish more than anything I understood his heart to serve, but instead, words were exchanged, bed time was late, and apologies were hard.

Driving to work the next morning, I tried to come to grips with it. God and I began a dialogue and for a brief, very brief, moment, I felt justified in my anger the night before. After all, God tells us to rest one day a week and if our weekends are full, how is that rest? Like I said, my feelings of justification were brief….. God slowly began to take me to the manger scene with the words of Christmas songs. How must Mary have felt with her life being forever changed? Then I saw the shepherds with their sheep and it must have been inconvenient for them to leave the sheep to follow the star. I was starting to understand, when God, not to be disrespectful, but He, Dropped the mic, y’all and I saw, Mary and Joseph being turned away by Inn keeper, after Inn keeper and I stopped breathing as my cheeks dampened. No! No! Please no….. I was not like the Inn keepers….I’m the Inn Keeper that found room for Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus! I am the disciple that walked away from my fishing job to follow the Savior, I am the woman at the well who went into town to tell the village about Jesus, I am ………..fooling myself and I find myself utterly devastated.

Truth is we all want to believe that we would have been Peter, the Rock, which Jesus built his church on. We all want to believe that we could have been Moses and maybe we would have needed persuading, but we would have come around, right?…..But are we? How many more, rich young rulers, are there, than fishermen?  This was my moment and I can’t promise there will not be more. I am flesh, I am sinful man, and I am selfish. God forgive me.

When did a clean house, baked cookies, Christmas trees, and visits to Christmas themed towns become the reason for the season? Yes, I have a lot of do this year, more than I wish, but I choose to that Love came down and I am to share the love of Christ. So, someone may not get their favorite dessert, a Christmas gift might not be perfect or even purchased for that matter, and  that Christmas town might have to wait, but I will show you love in an unorganized, not perfectly decorated home, this Christmas. Jesus Christ is the only thing that matters during this season of hope, love, and family.

Father, forgive us. This flesh is hard to fight against somedays. When we see those whose families look like a Hallmark movie, remind us to let people see our flaws, our dirty, our mess, our anxiety, our fears, and then let them see the Love of this world in that ugly. Let them see the blood stained scars, washed clean by a baby lying in a manger, killed on a cross, and raised from the dead, to the right hand side of God, forevermore. Amen

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Never Changing

Image result for barns and silos on south new hope road, gastonia nc

Driving down a road less traveled my heart hurt as I saw progress, replacing trees with neighborhood roads, old silos, once tall and proud, with round-abouts, and pastured fields with small-yard homes. Gone were the country roads, lined with trees and painted white farm houses.

As a child, we had very little and rarely did we go places on weekends, but our mother did like to find change in the couch, gather up old coke bottles, and take us for a drive through the country. We would stop at a family owned store to turn in old coke bottles for new ones and a piece of candy or slice of cheese, if enough change was found.
After Momma died, I too, would take drives through the country, to clear my head. I did a lot of thinking on that country road  and I those roads hold a lot of imagination. I used to dream of bare-foot runs through the wheat grassy fields and hide and seek games in the old barns.

Change is a part of life and I'm normally just fine with progress. I guess seeing my sweet  country road turning into a round-about neighborhood was like saying good-bye to my mother again.

Hope is knowing that Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today, and tomorrow. No matter how much this world changes, His love , Word, and Promises, remain the same.

Father, when life changes, let us find comfort knowing that you will always be the same. Amen.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

A Prayer that changed my life.

Image result for prayer

When I first got saved I joined the choir at, Life Church, under the leadership of Brother Cy Harris. I was a young divorced, single mother of a very wild little boy. One Sunday, I sang in the choir and watched my sweet little man standing on the arm of the pew, out of reach of the children's director, that so kindly allowed him to sit with her, and he was surfing on one leg with both arms out for balance. The Pastor started to hand me the microphone, thinking I was going to testify, when he saw my sweet little monkey. I walked without taking my eyes off that sweet child until I got to him, grabbed him by the ear and took him somewhere private. Needless to say, he didn't surf from the pews anymore and, in my own pity party, I thought that once again the church had another reason to look down on the sinner in the choir.
You see, being raised in the South, with religious conviction, I understood that my son arriving 4 months after I got married, was a sin, and I also understood that the divorce that took place 18 months later was even more a sin. It didn't help that on the  Easter morning, when I was drug into church, the day I got saved, that I had been hung over and I was only there to keep a promise, made by a co-worker, to another co-worker. Glory to God I went to church that day! So, what I am trying to say is that I didn't feel like I belonged with all of the good Godly people in that church. They never did anything to judge me and each and every one of them loved me, but the Enemy, kept reminding me that I was not good enough.
We had a revival where we focused on a different ministry each night. When it was the choirs night, Cy spoke, and then he came down and he prayed over each choir member. I have no idea what he said to the other members, but I will never forget what he said to me. He prayed specifically for me as a single mother, that the Lord would help me. He didn't pray for my sin as a single mother, he prayed that God bless me, as a single mother. He said the it must be difficult to be a single mom and for God to give me patience and provide. You see , the enemy had convinced me that all the church saw was a sinner that deserved the hard life. But, praise God, on that night, I realized that God didn't see a sinner, he saw a young woman, covered by the blood of His son, saved, redeemed and set free!
I also saw the Love of Christ poured out in the heart of a man of God. He saw me as an equal. A sister, glory bound, to sing in a heavenly choir. I sure do hope they sing, Victory in Jesus, in heaven! Okay, that was off subject.

When you see a sister or brother in Christ, do you see them as your equal or are you only looking at their sin?

Father God, thank you for the reminder tonight that we are all sinners, and by the Grace of God we can be set free to live in Glory for eternity. May my eyes only see people the way you do. Amen.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Bottom of the Mountain

Image result for icy roads

I found this sweet journal entry from November of 2006, in one of my older journals,  although the story is much older. The man in the story is my dearly departed, Uncle Kirk. I've never heard anyone say a bad thing about this man. If ever there was an angel among men, it was him.

At 19 years old an ice storm hit and the store I worked in decided to close early. Viewing this as getting off work early, I got into my car and headed home, with no thought to the direction I should take. I just headed my normal route, instead of planning the safest. There were several ways to get home, but the fasted was the most dangerous, for the icy conditions on the roadway. You see, the fastest route, took me around a small mountain and down a curvy hill.

I came to a four way stop - two directions would have taken me home, yet, without thought I still choose the short way home. I glanced to my right and saw my Uncle, whom had picked up his wife and son, and he was also heading home. He, was planning to take the safer, longer route home, which happened to be across the street from my home. However, when my uncle saw me turn toward the faster route, he choose to follow me. It didn't take long for me to realize my mistake and I was very thankful that my uncle was following slowly behind me. I did okay down the first hill, but as I came back up and around a curve, I saw a dump truck turned over on it's side. It was then that I realized the danger in my decision. I began to panic and I knew it was too late to turn around, so I stopped. I began to cry and decided not to go any further. My uncle, had also stopped and he realized I was not going to drive any further. He got out of his car and came to my window. He told me that he would be with me, but I was going to have to make it to the bottom of this mountain. Once at the bottom, he knew a safe place to park my car and then he would take me the rest of the way home. Which, included another small mountain and curves.

I had to finish the journey. I often wonder what as going through my uncles mind as he made the decision to follow me, with his family in the car, down the unsafe road. He knew a better way but he could not tell me. ( this was before everyone had a cell phone in the car)

Is this how God feels when we take the wrong path? Isn't it good to know that even when we take the wrong path, God is right there with us. Slowly following us and there to take us down the mountain, to safety, just like my uncle did.

Sometimes, we must reach the bottom, before God can take us safely back up the mountain.

Father God, I thank you for lesson learned through mistakes made along the way. I thank you for angels that look out for us and take care of us when we make bad decisions. Amen

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Give Therapy

 Image result for giving

Each and every August, something wonderful happens in my life. No, it isn’t the end of summer, turning into the highly anticipated, apple picking season, it isn’t school starting back, or even celebrating my son’s birthday. It is football season – more specifically, Friday night football. Imagine me breathing in deeply and letting out a sigh of joy as I typed that. It’s not that I enjoy this event or that it’s time with my family, no, in fact it is the exact opposite. For me, Friday night football means hours of me time. As my husband and son run off to watch the home team, I order junk food, put on pajamas, grab luscious yarn, and sit in front of the television, and binge watching, new episodes of last year’s programs. I don’t worry about housework, dinner, laundry, or honestly, much of anything. It is a night all about me…..that normally ends with my family rushing in to tell me (eye roll) play by play of who won.

Sitting on the couch this morning, with a warm purring kitty in my lap, a freckled faced boy smashed up close, and a warm cup of vanilla coffee pressed to my lips, I thought, this is not the morning I had planned, as I eyed my bible, wishing for a quiet morning. Then a happy kitty smiled up at me and a freckled faced boy, explained, yet another video game to me and I let out a joyful sign, realizing I didn’t want to be anywhere else. I was giving a warm lap to a kitty and a listening ear to a boy. I reached for a devotional and read two pages, which ended with this scripture and more importantly, this revelation.

In every way I’ve show you that by laboring like this, it is necessary to help the weak

 and to keep in mind the words of the Lord Jesus, for He said,

‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’

Acts 20:35

Have you ever had a really bad day and someone turn to you and say you need shop therapy? Maybe you are out and see something you really want and decide to put it on your credit card because after all, it has been a bad week and this will make you feel so much better. Does it? What if, instead of shop therapy for a bad day, we had “give therapy”? Could you imagine a world where you had a horrible day and instead of stopping off at the bakery for a double stuffed chocolate cupcake, you took a dozen cupcakes to the local police department, as a thank you? Or, what if instead of buying a new outfit, you took a bag full of under garments to a local shelter? Instead of rewarding yourself with a steak dinner, you buy a grocery cart full of fresh food and then hand it out as shoppers leave the store? How wonderful do you think that would make you feel? Sure, you have nothing new in your closet, maybe you stopped yourself from gaining an extra pound, and yes, your check book is a little lighter, but how do you think you would feel?

I’m not the person I just described in the last paragraph. No, instead I am the reward myself person that most of us are. Hence, my love of Friday night football. Let’s all try, give therapy, this week. Now, here is the catch, don’t blast it all over social media. Don’t social media live the act of kindness, just do it, and go home with a warm feeling. Tell your family, if you want to, invite your kids to join you. Just make sure that while giving, you are not looking to, “receive”, through social media, praise.

Father, may I be one to give more than to give to myself. A world were people give when they are having a bad day, would be a world filled with acts of love instead of selfishness. Amen.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

This too shall pass....

This too shall pass…..

Image result for staring at crescent moon
When the dark days come and the enemy whispers lies, life must go on. When all you want to do is hide under a warm blanket and lay tear stained face on a cool pillow, life must go on.

Faith is not a bunch of one line quotes about doors closing and others opening. Faith is breathing when breath is lost. Faith is walking when legs won’t move. Faith is laughing in conversation when tears threaten to drown you. Faith is living with shattered pieces. Faith is seeing light pierce through a filter of darkness, and knowing that God Almighty is the Light that overcomes.

The reflective moon found me high above as I swatted mosquitos, while walking out of a weed filled garden, earlier this summer. I held a blessed bag of harvested produce and I gazed up, looking with humidity stained sweat pouring down my face and saw the crescent moon. Lord, my voice raised, please don’t let my faith, on this day of broken dreams, reflect such little light. My child, the Lord responded, your light is blocked by the arms of the Savior, carrying you.

……tears mixed with humid sweat and salty tears began their river down my face and soaked my shirt. Words of old hymns, it is well with my soul, flood my mind and I lay the harvest down, lift my hands in dwindling sun light and sang praise into the dusk.

A few weeks, maybe even months now, I learned that my job, that God gave me less than two years ago, would end in March of 2018. I trust my Savior fully, but on that day, flesh took over and I, like anyone else, began to question. I have since found peace and know that God has a plan, but on that day, I worshiped. I stood looking at the moon and remembered my journey with the Lord about the reflective moon and there, coming from harvest, I found peace.

Father God, when the dark days come and words are not enough, I thank you, that you are always enough. I pray for the person that is facing a storm, show them peace. Let them live in the brokenness, knowing that even Savior was broken, that life could be given. Amen.

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Strong Arm

Strong Arm

Early morning traffic and I sit stopped, watching a crane slowly lower a beam onto an unseen platform. I start to turn my view and then stop, hearing the sweet voice of Savior say, there is a message in this….

The crane is large and tall, standing like a giant over unfinished design. The steel beam, on scale, looks small and weightless as it gently swings by what appears to be a thin rope.  The light turns green and I press forward, still searching for the meaning. I think of how large that crane is and again of how small that steel beam appears, but I know that steel beam weighs tons. Then as I make my right turn, tears crest and thank you spills from my lips as the message is spoken in audible sound.

It takes a great big God to carry my heavy burdens.

The world sees a crane, large in statue, carrying a beam, small in comparison. Dangling weightless and guided to its new destination. The crane operator knows that the machine is perfectly balanced to carry a heavy load and that he must slowly carry that load to a new destination, so that it doesn’t spin out of control and break loose or ram into other things causing damage.

My God is the operator and strong arm of the crane that carries me. When my load is heavy, he slowly guides me to a new place and gently lowers me into perfect order. To the world I seem okay with my heavy burdens mask by smiles and laughter, but my God sees the inside and He carries me. When I try to take over the crane, life begins to spin to fast and then I crash into things, leaving brokenness in my wake.

Come to Me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

All of you, take up My yoke and learn from Me, because I am gentle

and humble in heart and you will find rest for yourselves.

For My yoke is easy and My burden light.

Matthew 11:28-30

Father, in a world where we all seek control, I ask that you give us peace in knowing that you are the operator and by trusting you, we will be placed in our perfect home. Amen.

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Home with a rising sun

Early morning coffee with book opened, speaking to me about giving my broken heart to others as communion, when my devotion studying husband, exclaims he will not be on social media for a while. Conversation about the way of this world and the hate that comes from the mouth of well meaning Christ followers begins as we in agreement say that we are all brothers and sisters in Christ and should love one another.

I, in frustrated tone, say that a brother is not just the suit wearing deacon on Sunday morning, but also the heroine addict, covered in his own vomit, lying on the street somewhere. How do we teach a judgmental world that judgement is not ours? How do we show an unforgiving world, that forgiveness has already been given? How do we love when we are all so different and how, pray you, do we teach our kids? We both agree and then with coffee to lips, I hear that freckled faced boy say, “Mommy, come look!” as he puts cereal in a bowl.

“What is it?” I ask as I underline a sentence about compassion and listen as an excited voice gives the answer my husband and I seek.

“The sun is rising, Mommy!” …….oh the wisdom in those words. My heart leaped as I met my husband’s eyes and smile on both of our faces we walked to the window to see boy on tip toes peering out over the sink to see the sun rise through the trees - rising over our home, and, all of our neighbors.

Before I could even ask, the Father gently answered, “This…this is how we show love and compassion.” I needed no further instruction. Love had already shown us the way – we just needed to do it.

Long before my Great-Grand parents met, God in his mercy gave us his Son, to fulfill His destiny, to free us from sin that bound us. Jesus showed compassion and love by forgiving with no expectation of acceptance. He freely gave His life, with full knowledge that there would be those that would reject his sacrifice with their dying breath. He saw me, saw my sin, yet he still loved me.

Then, with all hope lost, on the third day, he defeated death and rose, giving hope to the lost.

The next time you see something on social media, in the paper, or hear a conversation that strikes anger, remember this….

Above all, maintain an intense love for each other, since love covers a multitude of sins. Be hospitable to one another without complaining.
1 Peter 4:8-9

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Summer Life

Hello my Morning Coffee friends. I want to apologies for disappearing this Summer and while I am not a Lifestyle blogger, I thought I would share a little of what has kept me from the computer screen this summer.

In July my husband was blessed again this year, to spend a week in Honduras with others from our Church.
After a week of labor filled love and sharing the Good News, he was home, tired and blessed. 

While Brian was away, Kendal and I took advantage of the long weekend and spent some time in GA with my Dad. Kendal loves to fish with PawPaw.

Then, it was time for Vacation Bible school! This is one of my favorite times of the year. I get lots of 5 year old hugs, smiles, and laughter. One little angel in particular took a piece of my heart with him this year. I sure hope he comes back. Just look at those sweet faces!!! 

After VBS, I was blessed to have my family come in and celebrate my Auntie's XXth birthday! She doesn't look a day over 29, does she!
Oh course you must see my son covered in cousins and his younger brother. 
Okay, just a few more of these because we had so much fun. Next you will see my brother, my Dad and Aunt, my sister hugging my aunt and my Uncle P and Cousin in Law, Sammy. 

My oldest son bought his first car. Yes, it is financed in his name! Mom helped....a lot with the negotiations, but in the end, it is his and he is happy. Did I mention it is a year newer than mine! 

I have spent a lot of time in my garden, picking, weeding (endless weeds), and canning. Here are a few pictures. 

 Yes! Pumpkins in July!!
Yes, I am a little crazy over frogs! #summerofthefrogs

Then we celebrated Kendal's Birthday! Happy 10th!
More vacation with the Grandparents! We had a great time in GA and visited many places. Our favorite was Cumberland Island and I recommend it to everyone!
This is the port on Cumberland Island. We are waiting on the Ferry.

The best part of our summer was when Kendal made the decision to get Baptized! Such a wonderful day for this momma and Daddy to know that all of our children will be with us in Glory! Praise God!
So my friends, this is why I have not been in front of my computer all summer. I have been out enjoying life with my kids, church, and family. I pray your summer was as full of love as mine was. 

Of course I got some knitting done as well and I leave you with this. In a world that seems upside down with hate, remember the Creator knit us together in love. 

Colossians 2:2Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)
I want their hearts to be encouraged and knit together in love, so that they may have all the riches of assured understanding and have the knowledge of God’s mystery—Christ.

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Line in the Sand

Line in the Sand

Image result for line in the sand

              Warm coffee in air conditioned house as July brings false hope of cool day with a morning breeze remanence of sweaters. Birds sing praises as Savior blesses us with another day to love. Journal in hand, I begin to write.....

                I’ve been on a journey of sorts with God, incomplete, yet yielding fruit in my spirit. What does it mean to, Love? I ask this question over and over again in my head. Playing with scenarios, lost in thought, yielding worldly views, mixed with biblical interpretation. I hear the bible stories, see Savior handing from a tree in cross form, yet – Love – to really be obedient. How?

                My hard working husband sits across the room, reading devotion for Sunday morning teaching, and I ask the question, again. Same conversation, different scenario, same finish…. Where do we draw the line between Love and acceptance of sin?


Draw the line? Is it our line to draw or….. has – Savior – already – drawn – the – line – in – the – sand?

Teacher, they said, This woman has been caught in the very act of adultery.

Now Moses in the Law commanded us that such  (women-offenders) shall

be stoned to death. But what do you say(to do with her—what is Your sentence)?

This they said to try to (test) Him, hoping they might find a charge on which

to accuse Him. But Jesus stooped down and wrote on the ground with His

finger. However, when they persisted with their question, He raised Himself up

and said, Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.

John 8: 4-7 AMP

                Walk away….one by one…

When Jesus raised Himself up, He said to her, Woman, where are your accusers? Has no man condemned you?

She answered, No one Lord! And Jesus said, I do not condemn you either. Go on your way and from now on sin

no more.

John 8: 10-11 AMP

          But He told her to sin no more….

You judge by human standards. I judge no one.

John 8: 15

        Love already forgave  - why …..can’t I?

Father, thank you for reminding me that You have already drawn the line in the sand. Thank you for seeing the heart and not the flesh. May I learn to love past the world’s standard. May I learn to love those I judge. May you forgive my judgmental heart. Amen

Saturday, June 24, 2017

We all Sin

We all Sin

Image result for construction workers

Driving to work, music loud, dancing to the rhythm, preparing my mind for the day my job brings, I am stopped by red light. As I sit behind a large construction truck, something reflective catches my eye. I turn and see men walking in straight lines, on wall less floors; like an ant farm they march. Nothing distinctive about them, all in blue jeans, bright yellow shirts, with neon yellow vest, striped in the back with gray reflective tape, and a white hard hat to round out the look. Light turns green and I turn right, toward my destination. On the way my mind is filled with the reassurance that this is how Almighty see's us - loved the same, no matter our gender, race, or creed. Sin, also the same to Creator, all the same, all judged the same, all forgiven the same.

18 But what comes out of the mouth comes from the heart, and this defiles a man.

19 For from the heart come evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, sexual immoralities, thefts, false testimonies, blasphemies.

Matthew 15: 18-19

The older I get the more I am I thankful that God does not judge sin differently. The first time I went from wishing God had a hotter hell for people that do the unthinkable, was a few years ago when my oldest child spread his wings and flew into sinful territory. I told countless pray warrior friends, of mine, how thankful I was that God see’s all sin as sin. You see, it is man that sees sin differently. How many times have you caught yourself standing in a doorway talking about something with a fellow, Follower, only to turn down a sinful path of gossip? We see that as innocent sin and probably justify it because of our frustration with the topic at hand. Yet Christ says in that moment we are defiled.

All the ways of man are clean in his own eyes.

Proverbs 16:2

I found that Proverb and though it was not originally part of this, I found it humorous. In a world of Social Media, where people blast their sin like the nightly- news and then call you judgmental for not agreeing with the decisions they have made, I found this to be a wise proverb. Do we not justify our sin? Do we not believe that the God that loves us would never judge us for doing something that makes us happy? After all, a loving God would never condemn man to Hell for something so simple. You are right, our loving God did not choose to condemn any of us to Hell, which is why, in His all-knowing wisdom, He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to pardon our sins. God knows that sinful man will sin. He knows that no matter how hard we try, our flesh will win, sometimes and more than likely, it will win daily. When the car pulls out in front of you after sitting in long line of traffic, when work becomes unbearable, when your kids will not sit down, when your husband works late, again, and so on and so on….

Our saving grace is that God sees sin the same. No sin is greater, no sin is less. Love is the only action we can use that will break through to a person’s heart. When we throw hate at a person it does not come back with the same result as love. Remember our Savior. He loves us so much that he laid down his life. Love without expectation. Show kindness to those that sin differently than you do and you will be amazed at what the Lord can do with that.

Father, I thank you for seeing my sin as the same and knowing my heart. I am grateful that your son took my punishment, because I am weak and in the words of Paul, I do what I don’t want to do. Help me use love to show the world who You are. Amen.