Jehovah-Rapha: The
Lord who heals
The only sound I could hear was the pounding of my own heart
and that still small voice pushing me forward. I questioned it shaking it off
and ignoring it as I watched 9 people make their way to the front of the church.
I watched confused as I heard that urging to walk forward and stand at the
front of the church. It was so odd for our Pastor to call people to the front,
even the day I accepted Christ I had raised a hand in blind view of a
congregation. Now, as 9 others stood I knew I was number 10, as her name came in audible sound and I realized
with humbled understanding, that I did, in deed hold anger in my heart and I
needed to release it by forgiving her.
For God was pleased
to have all His fullness dwell in Him, and through Him to reconcile everything
to Himself by making
peace through the blood of His cross- whether things on earth or things in
Colossians 1: 19-20
Right after church I drove to her house with a peace I had
not felt since the day I accepted my Savior. I walked with boldness to her door
and she opened it as if expecting me. I sat with her and apologized for the
anger I had, explaining why and releasing a weight I never realized I held. She
looked at me astonished and only said she had no idea I was angry. She never
acknowledged her part, but that was okay. I was not there to hear an apology,
only to give one.
Therefore, God’s
chosen ones, holy and loved, put on heartfelt compassion, kindness, humility,
gentleness, and patience,
Accepting one another
and forgiving one another if anyone as a complaint against anther. Just as the
has forgiven you, so
you must also forgive.
Colossians 3: 12-13
We, as followers of Christ, as expected to forgive others.
The harsh reality of it, as flesh, we expect to receive the same from the
person we are forgiving. We see this in movies and TV shows as the characters
all huddle in a hug of compassion, forgiving each other and going off into the
sunset to live happily ever after. The truth is, in life that is not always the
case. Christ does not ask us to forgive so we can watch as the other person
realizes their wrong and ask for forgiveness, instead he ask us to forgive, so
that we can be realized from the anger it causes us.
Do you ever find yourself thinking about a person that
wronged you and having a heated conversation in your head, proving over and
over again why you are right and they are wrong? Do you find that you feel
better when that imaginary conversation is over, or do you find that you are
angry, sad, or just defeated? Holding on to that does nothing but hurt you. Not
everyone needs to have a moment like I had, for some of us the person we need
to forgive is gone or unavailable. Find a way to forgive them. Write them a
letter that you never mail, go to your knees in prayer and tell God all that
you wants to say and then succumb to forgiving release.
I realize that some wrongs are too hard to forgive and go
back to a loving relationship with someone. There are those situations where
you forgive someone, but due to the circumstances of the wrong doing, it is
better to forgive and then let God do the rest.
I know that the day I forgave, was a turning point in my
life. I was able to move past a part of my life that had so much control over
me. The really scary thing is, I never realized how much control that part of
my past, controlled.
Above all, put on
love-the perfect bond of unity. And let the peace of the Messiah, to which you
were also called in one body,
Control your hearts.
Be thankful.
Colossians 1: 14-15
Jehovah Rapha, my Father who heals, I pray you heal the
wounds of those reading this. Give them the ability to lay it at the cross and
let go of anger in their lives. I lift up each person that is reading this and
pray it finds the right audience, for your glory, not mine. Amen.
I still love this!! Great post!!