Song of Solomon
Over the last few months I have been watching one of my
favorite TV series from the 90”s. In
this show I get to watch season after season of never ending gazing, hand
holding, jealousy, friendship, and love. The beginning seasons kept me
interested because of the uniqueness of the show, but after season three it was
clear that I wanted to watch the two main characters fall in love. This, is
also, why my favorite movie is, My Fair Lady. There is something magical about
Eliza Doolittle dressed in the most beautiful dress ever, in my opinion,
designed, with beautiful jewelry to accent her flawless appearance, as she
heads to a dance to be shown off by the man trying to turn her into a Lady. A
peasant turned into a Queen, by a man who was only interested in winning a bet.
Something changed in Eliza that night. The switch is flipped that evening, as
Eliza is now in love with this man. I watch with a smile and
pounding heart as she begins to sing, I could have danced all night, I could
have danced all night, and still have begged for more.
Oh, that he would kiss me with the kisses of his mouth!
For your love is more delightful than wine. The fragrance of your
perfume is intoxicating;
your name is perfume poured out. No wonder young women adore you.
Song of Solomon 1: 2-3
Surprised to see those verses? I must admit, I was too and I
believe I blushed a little. While it is nothing for me to endlessly wait on my
favorite characters to finally kiss, I find it shocking that this lust and
desire would be in the bible. I often forget that God designed us to desire our
spouses. After all, it is that moment we
all dream of, right? That first kiss with the man or woman of our dreams? The
kiss is what we wait for while reading a book, watching a movie, or even
watching a TV series. It’s the shark writers don’t want to jump, yet the scene
we all, dreamy eyed, wait for. It’s the moment Whitley says yes to Duwayne
Wayne, the moment Rhett Butler takes Scarlett into his arms, and when Ross and
Rachel kiss.
I find television sad now in that we no longer have to wait
more than a season or two for characters to not only kiss, but jump into bed together.
As if that is not bad enough, we then watch as they break up and get back
together over and over again. Young adults see this as the norm when they date
and very rarely have to wait on that, first front door step, kiss. The
lingering anticipation soon fades as they mistake physical yearning for love.
What has happened to the movies that left us with smiles on our faces as we see
Eliza Doolittle and Henry Higgins miserable without each other and watch as
Rhett Butler takes Scarlett upstairs, satisfied with the emotion of the scene.
Even on sitcoms, we were satisfied with a flirtation that could go on for
season after season, tuning in each week hoping for a flirtatious remark or a
glaze. Loving the silly situations, that never happen in real life, to push our
favorite characters together.
Take me with you – let us hurry. Oh, that the king would bring me to
his chambers.
Song of Solomon 1: 4
King Solomon’s bride was waiting for her honeymoon night.
The anticipation of that night brought her joy as she pined for her king. The
poetry of this book is a beautiful reminder for those of us that are married.
Ladies, when was the last time you wished that your husband would take you to
his chambers? When, was the last time you pined for a kiss of the mouth? Are
these just girlish desires that die after we get our wedding day, after the “shark”
has been jumped and the anticipation is no longer there? The story is not over
and our spouses should still bring an increased beating of the heart, a smile
to our face, and desire.
I realize this is not my normal writing. Maybe 7 seasons of
watching two fictitious characters has made me mushy hearted or maybe we all
need to be reminded of the love between a man and woman. The shyness of love as
it first catches us off guard. The sweaty palms, heart beating out of our
chest, and the hope that this is the person, the one, the ever after. God
created man to be with woman. He wanted man to have a person to love and
cherish, but if you read the Song of Solomon, he also created us to desire our
spouse. Take a moment to read this short book of poetry between a man and
woman. Blush a little as you read it and then remember that moment the man of
your dreams, stepped in closer, for a first kiss.
Dear Lord, bless those
that are reading this. I pray you will put marriages back together and desire
back into the hearts of those that have forgotten each other. Amen.
That's why my husband is my boyfriend.