Saturday, June 24, 2017

We all Sin

We all Sin

Image result for construction workers

Driving to work, music loud, dancing to the rhythm, preparing my mind for the day my job brings, I am stopped by red light. As I sit behind a large construction truck, something reflective catches my eye. I turn and see men walking in straight lines, on wall less floors; like an ant farm they march. Nothing distinctive about them, all in blue jeans, bright yellow shirts, with neon yellow vest, striped in the back with gray reflective tape, and a white hard hat to round out the look. Light turns green and I turn right, toward my destination. On the way my mind is filled with the reassurance that this is how Almighty see's us - loved the same, no matter our gender, race, or creed. Sin, also the same to Creator, all the same, all judged the same, all forgiven the same.

18 But what comes out of the mouth comes from the heart, and this defiles a man.

19 For from the heart come evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, sexual immoralities, thefts, false testimonies, blasphemies.

Matthew 15: 18-19

The older I get the more I am I thankful that God does not judge sin differently. The first time I went from wishing God had a hotter hell for people that do the unthinkable, was a few years ago when my oldest child spread his wings and flew into sinful territory. I told countless pray warrior friends, of mine, how thankful I was that God see’s all sin as sin. You see, it is man that sees sin differently. How many times have you caught yourself standing in a doorway talking about something with a fellow, Follower, only to turn down a sinful path of gossip? We see that as innocent sin and probably justify it because of our frustration with the topic at hand. Yet Christ says in that moment we are defiled.

All the ways of man are clean in his own eyes.

Proverbs 16:2

I found that Proverb and though it was not originally part of this, I found it humorous. In a world of Social Media, where people blast their sin like the nightly- news and then call you judgmental for not agreeing with the decisions they have made, I found this to be a wise proverb. Do we not justify our sin? Do we not believe that the God that loves us would never judge us for doing something that makes us happy? After all, a loving God would never condemn man to Hell for something so simple. You are right, our loving God did not choose to condemn any of us to Hell, which is why, in His all-knowing wisdom, He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to pardon our sins. God knows that sinful man will sin. He knows that no matter how hard we try, our flesh will win, sometimes and more than likely, it will win daily. When the car pulls out in front of you after sitting in long line of traffic, when work becomes unbearable, when your kids will not sit down, when your husband works late, again, and so on and so on….

Our saving grace is that God sees sin the same. No sin is greater, no sin is less. Love is the only action we can use that will break through to a person’s heart. When we throw hate at a person it does not come back with the same result as love. Remember our Savior. He loves us so much that he laid down his life. Love without expectation. Show kindness to those that sin differently than you do and you will be amazed at what the Lord can do with that.

Father, I thank you for seeing my sin as the same and knowing my heart. I am grateful that your son took my punishment, because I am weak and in the words of Paul, I do what I don’t want to do. Help me use love to show the world who You are. Amen.

Saturday, June 17, 2017


Image result for fields with bales of hay
Driving home after prayer with a friend desperately wanting to be in a better place, I look out the window. Passing by fields of hay, I smile. These fields lay in the center of grocery stores, schools, pharmacies; yet year after year the new hay grows, as traffic increases.

I love to see the tall hay covered fields, I imagine myself bare foot, running through them with hands extended as hay whips my hands. Those open fields of new growth bring such joy to me.

In early summer, the fields are cut and all of the new life is cut down to dry. The once tall hay, now lays decaying in an open field, dying. In a few days, heavy equipment scoops up the dead, bales it and eventually it is sold to feed animals.

I thought about this and I was reminded of life. The joy we have as we grow, the freedom as we spend our days, carefree looking to the heavens – the pride as we stand tall.  Without warning, something comes along and cuts us down. Broken we lay, unable to move, breathe, and we wonder what happened to all of the joy we had, as we cry out for a better place.

This, is when the Son shines on us. Changing us into something else. Drying the tears and turning our hurt into nourishment for our soul. Our tragedy becomes a testimony that we can share with others when the Prince of this Principality cuts us down and leaves us dying in a field of despair.

It is when we are at our weakest, that the Father, releases the heavy equipment and builds up back up into something new. He bales us up into a strong force that can then nourishes others in pain.

Therefore, since we have been declared righteous by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. We have also obtained access through Him by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. And not only that, but we also rejoice in our afflictions, because we know that affliction produces endurance, endurance produces proven character, and proven character produces hope. This hope will not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.
Roman 5: 1-5

Father, I lift up those in agony as they wait for answers. As they wait for the Son to shine and turn their pain into nourishment for their growth and blessings for others. Amen

Saturday, June 3, 2017



Image result for just breathe
Early morning between moon and sun. Day light brimming as shadows become image and I close my eyes. Leaning against dew covered car, I inhale…..exhale, listen….. Birds in perfect harmony, a siren in the far distance, cars, like ocean waves, roll over paved earth through tree lined barrier, and I…. just….. breathe. One breaths, two breaths….. busy day breaks open my eyes and Savior says, enjoy one more moment. Eyes closed, inhale…..exhale….. Birds…..

My prayer, as I reluctantly left my place of peace, that morning, was that the next morning, I would be able to recreate that exact moment. I could not. My body was tired the next day, the lighting was different due to storm clouds passing by, and the timing was different due to a later exercise start time. When I wrote that top paragraph in my journal, after my experience, I had no idea where those words would take me on this post and honestly, not until I typed them did I realize. In the world, so many of us live, life is so busy, we long to recreate those moments in life where nothing else matters but what you are doing right then. They are so rare with busy Mom and Dad’s working in or out of the home, volunteering at church and other places, kids on sports teams, dance, gymnastics, and the list goes on and on.

When I was 17, I took what was supposed to be an hour and a half trip up to Chimney Rock, NC with a friend of mine. She had never been to the NC Mountains, aka God’s gift to the world, and as we drove, we made several stops and took lots of pictures. After going through Chimney Rock we decided to keep driving up the mountain and found ourselves on the Blue Ridge parkway. We drove and stopped, took more pictures and before we knew it, the day was gone and we were in Gatlinburg, TN. This, my fellow parents, was before cellular phones, so we had to stop and call my panicked Dad from a payphone, collect, because at this point we had some gas in the car, a bag of change and some skittles to eat. Daddy told us to take Highway 40 home, which was punishment for us because if you have never been on that road and like my friend, who, had only been driving for about 3 years, it was very scary. The truck drivers own that highway and it is no place for inexperienced drivers to be after dark. We finally made it home around midnight and my sleepy eyed, early morning to work, daddy met us at the door. It was the first time I heard him curse at me, and I ducked my head and went inside. Looking back I can see him breathing calmer as I walked in and he closed the door, knowing I was under the safety of his roof.

A few years later, my friend and I tried to recapture that trip and drove up to the mountains again. I honestly only remember making that trip but I don’t have the vivid memories that I have of the first trip. Some moments you can never relive, even if you want to. Like the first time your child wades in the ocean, feels sad between their toes, sees a favorite princess or cartoon character. Moments we hold in our heart. We see many movies with parents forcing ungrateful teenagers to go on one last big family vacation and disappointment reigns as they realize their kids are grown up and they don’t enjoy the same things they once did. Don’t we all try to recreate those moments when we felt good, safe, and happy?

The point in this is, when God gives us a moment to just breathe, do it. Hold on to it and know that there will never be another moment just like this one. You will have more moments to cherish, but this moment will never come again.

It is a good and delightful thing to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praises (with musical accompaniment) to Your name, O Most High.
To show forth Your loving-kindness in the morning and Your faithfulness by night.
PS 92: 1-2

Father, thank you for the moments that we hold in high regard. I pray of you that we live life and not allow life to move so quickly that it’s lived with us tagging along. Amen.