Ever notice fog on a burden laden dewy kissed morning?
Structures lay like shadows in the heavy mist as clouds lower in atmosphere to
embrace the earth. Trees, fences, houses, street signs are all but ghost as the
fog slowly ascends covering the eyes view of what was so clear only moments
before. While walking through, one notices that the fog is not still, but
moving at the pace of an half empty honey jar, sprinkled with sugar crystals.
Clothing becomes moist and a chill finds its way into your bones.
This must be why Hollywood likes to use fog when showing a
dark and scary scene. The fog prohibits our sight and things that we know are
there, are suddenly hard to find. One, can lose their way, when stumbling
through the fog.
Years ago, after I had my youngest son, I found myself in a
fog. It wasn’t until I started to see the light shining through that I even
realized I was in a fog. Baby blues, post-partum, mommy sadness…. Call it what
you want, but I was in a fog of post-partum. The only person to notice, was my
mother in law, whom I lashed out at and refused her help. Becoming angry when
she would drop in or offer to help. I didn’t even realize why I was so angry
and it took many years to fully wake up and kick myself for not allowing her to
help me.
This is the way many sinners walk through life. The fog of
sin so thick they can’t see all of the joy and goodness that is just one
acceptance away. Like me with my Mother in law, when Followers try to talk to
the lost about Christ love, they lash out and many don’t even know why. For the
Follower, we can see how dark and sad their lives are. Constantly searching for
happiness in new relationships, new diets, new clothing trends, new food,
expensive trips, you name it. But to the lost traveling through the fog, the
happiness that the Son provides, it’s lost in a dense fog, covering everything.
“Listen, you blind,
so that you may see. Who is blind but My servant, or deaf like My messenger I
am sending? Who is blind like My dedicated one or blind like the servant of the
Lord? Though seeing many things, you do not obey. Though his ears are open, he
does not listen.”
Is 42: 18-20
Remember when you see that person in the fog that Paul tells
us in, Romans 3:10, There is none righteous, not one. At one time we were all
blind and walking in the fog. Only God can provide the sun that will dissolve the
fog and give eyes to the joy that lies ahead. Pray for those walking through
the fog. Like the scripture says, though seeing many things, you do not obey.
That is all of us. No one sin is greater than the other. The difference for a
Follower of Christ, is that, His blood has forgiven us. Those lost in the fog,
are without forgiveness.
Father God, we lift up those lost in the fog of this
Principality. We pray that the joy you have given to us, will soon be accepted
by them. Amen