Saturday, July 30, 2016

Running its course.

Running its course.

Image result for polished nails

I stood in the bathroom staring, as the last few drops absorbed into the cotton ball. I started to take the polish off my nails when a sorrow found me from out of nowhere and my eyes began to blur as unwanted tears filled them. I looked at the empty bottle of nail polish remover and remembered the day over two years ago that I rushed out to CVS and bought it.

The memories came back to me like a warm bath, soaking into my being with comfort and then easing out as the water turned cold. It was Mardi Gras weekend and we were heading to a friend’s house for their annual party. She, had a friend over and we had spent the morning buying crazy colored make-up to dress the part. I had bought a gel nail polish in a funky purple, but I had no idea how to use it and desperately needed it removed before the party. She laughed at my nails, thankful that she had not done the same thing. I watched as she squealed with excitement as I came home with a hair straightener and went right to work on her hair. I still see her and her friend laughing while they took duck-faced selfies for Instagram fame, before we left for the party.

The tears flowed as I used the last of that much needed polish remover and with it so the memory faded. As more time passes, less of her remains in the home, just boxed up memories and an unused room.

Remember Your word to your servant; You have given me hope through it.

This is my comfort in my affliction: Your promise has given me life.

Psalm 119: 49-50

When she was younger, I began the privileged journey of becoming her, Step-Mother. The Lord made me this promise, “I give her to you, not from your womb, but to your hands.” I never believed that I was meant to take the place of her birth mother, but that I was blessed with a daughter through a blended circumstance. As with an unfortunate multitude, our blended family was or is haunted with angry from the past. The relationship between the parents is rocky and never without argument and disagreement. The result is a daughter that we, the every other weekend and 4 weeks a summer family, has not seen in over 2 years. Hate poured from her lips as she made her choice and left us trying to be a family with a part missing. The subject has become the white elephant in the room during the holidays as we stare at an empty stocking or cringe when our youngest ask if he will ever see, Sissy again. We avoid the answer and change the subject, hoping his unanswered question will go away, not really knowing the answer to give.

For me, the memories go through cycles of prayer. Some days I pray with a thankful heart, knowing my God has this and He will keep His promise to me. Other days, I find myself angry and asking God why He would allow this to happen to us and, demanding to know, when it will be corrected. Then, there are, the shameful days when I try to guilt, God into answering my prayer…. Thankfully, as time has passed, I hold to His word and pray more for her than myself, knowing, that my God has this.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding…

Proverbs 3:5

This week I was struck with a terrible stomach bug that lasted 5 days. I found myself praying that God take it away and heal me immediately. I heard Him say that it had to, run its course. As I began to feel better, I started to think about a virus running its course and all of the prayers for “unanswered prayers”. Are they unanswered or is God just allowing them to run their course? I prayed three years for a new job and now I am happy and glad that God was patient in putting me where I am, instead of hurriedly answering my prayer with one of the many I applied for. God knows best. I could reference all of the familiar bible stories with people that waited years before prayers were answered, but if you are like me, and you are waiting on God to step in and take the wheel, you probably don’t want to be reminded of how long Abraham and Sarah waited to have a child. Right?

Just remember, your prayers are never unanswered. God is letting this run its course until His will is done, not yours. I know that my family will be whole again, God made me a promise. This will pass and our family will be stronger because of it. One day that stocking will hang full and, Praise God, when it does, that quake your feel, that shout you hear, that unexplained picture falling off the wall, will be my family rejoicing, as we see God’s hand answer our prayer.

Father God, I praise you for protection during storms in life that seem endless. For giving us Your Word to remind us of Your tender mercy and perfect answers. I pray for all of the blended families struggling to get along and for all of the Fathers and Mothers that miss their children. Give them peace in knowing that You have this; it just needs to run its course. Your plans are better, Your will is unshaken, and Your timing is perfect. Amen.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Love them where they are.

Love them where they are.

Years ago I was having a conversation with a woman about a family member of hers that had chosen to work, instead of staying home with her children, like she did. She went on to say the reason this family members grandchildren were now divorced or having babies before marriage, was due to her decision to work. I looked at this person and said that I too had a child of wedlock and that I had turned out just fine and that I was sure her granddaughter would too. She looked me straight in the eyes, put her hand to her chest, in true southern woman fashion, and said, “Rhonda, I had no idea you were that way.” I just smiled and walked away. I don’t know that we have had a conversation since.

I am obligated both to Greeks and barbarians, both to the wise and the foolish.

Romans 1:14

Why is it that people refuse to see all sin as sin and choose to believe that somehow their sin is less harmful than that of others? It always makes me sad when I hear of a young unwed girl that no longer comes to church. We often don’t see her again until she is either married or after the baby is born. The human race, in general, seems to be that way with sin. We judge the sin that we choose not to partake in, forgetting the sin we hide in our own house.

I was not attending church when I was pregnant with my oldest son, but I was judged by this world. I had a good friend that was all of a sudden, no longer such a good friend. Her daddy didn’t like her hanging around me any longer. I saw her parents in the grocery store when my son was around 2 years old. Her mother spoke kindly to me and ask if this was my son, her father on the other hand, looked at my sweet boy and said, “Is that is?” He then walked off, with his wife not far behind. My feelings were hurt but I didn’t let it phase me, nor did I allow the woman above to phase me.

We must learn to love people where they are in life. We all believe different things, we were all raised differently, and we are not all of the same culture. Like Paul said, he was obligated to the Greeks and the Barbarians, we are obligated to all people.

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is God’s power for salvation to everyone who believes, first to the Jew, and also to the Greek.

For in it God’s righteousness is revealed from faith to faith, just as it is written: The Righteous will live by faith.

 For God’s wrath is revealed from heaven against all godlessness and unrighteousness of people who by their unrighteousness

Suppress the truth.

Romans 1: 16-19

 Paul reminds us that God’s salvation is for all who believe. It’s not for a select few, it is for everyone. Yet, we as sinners ourselves, seem to believe that person must clean up their life before the gospel can be shared. We are quick to judge someone for the way they live, the color of their skin, the way they dress, the size of their body, the job they work, the addiction they give into, the way they speak, and the list can go on and on.

We, as followers of Christ, must learn from Paul and realize that it is not our job to judge but to spread the gospel to all who will listen. Let God work on their hearts. Remember, God’s word will not return void. It may be Heaven, before you know the impact sharing the gospel had on that person, but it will not return void.

Let’s go out this week and show love, respect, and God’s word, into this lost world. Help heal the hurt that people are feeling with God’s love and leave the judgement, for the only one that can.

Father God, I thank you for your Word. I thank you that it will not return void. I lift up each person reading this that you will let them see with the eyes of love instead of judgment. Forgive me for judging others and treating them different. Allow me to be the hands and feet. Amen.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

The Creator

The Creator

Several years ago I worked with a young man that would take his lunch during my lunch time and come into my sanctuary and start conversation. At the time I felt he did it to annoy me but now, having time to reflect, I realize he was searching. The TV in our break room, only showed news channels, which led to many political conversation. The conversation he liked to engage in more than any, was around my relationship with Christ. I believe he was searching for truth, unwilling to accept Christ. One day he ask a question, that anyone that has a relationship with Christ, can expect to get, at some time in their walk.

Do people that have never heard of Christ, go to Hell? I didn’t completely understand the question. He elaborated and ask if people in a remote village in Africa never met a missionary, do they go to Hell for not accepting Christ? If so, how can a loving God send a person to Hell that never had the opportunity to hear of Him?

I was stumped. How do I answer that question?  

For His invisible attributes, that is, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen since the

creation of the world, being understood through what He has made.

As a result, people are without excuse.

Romans 1:20

The next day, I shared, Romans 1:20 with him. He looked at me and said he would have to think about it. He never engaged me in conversation about my faith again. I was shocked and hurt that I had given him an answer, he had no response, and he never brought it up again. I don’t know what happened to that young man. I left the company and heard he did too.

For though they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God or show gratitude. Instead, their

thinking became nonsense, and their senseless minds were darkened. Claiming to be

wise they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal

man, birds, four-footed animals, and reptiles.

Romans 1:21-23

I love to sit outside in the mornings and listen as God’s birds sing a chorus of praise. I like to watch as the squirrels and chipmunks scavenge around for food. I don’t even mind the occasionally rabbit in my garden. I like to see the way their little mouths never stop chewing as they watch me to see if I going to get too close. I have never doubted that these things were created. I often think that God’s artwork is shown in the early morning sky with colors no artist can replicate. The moon, when it is bright and full is a marvel as I look up at night and the sun, no matter how hot, is always more beautiful coming up over the ocean. Still, I know that all of that is created. I worship the Creator and I have never doubted His authenticity. I have, however, run from him. Searching for happiness in places I had no business and believing that He had no love for me. In all of days of ignoring the Creator, He never ignored me. He was there with me each time I stumbled and fell. He showed himself to me through protection, healing, providing when I was in need, and of course, in all of the wonders of this earth. Reminding me that He was still loving me, even when I rejected Him. When I ran to my Savior, my blessings became more abundant and at times, I am overwhelmed with the love and mercy He gives me. I see those around me refusing to worship the Creator and giving into things created. It makes me sad when I see them blessed and they don’t recognized where that came from. Instead, believing they were in the right place at the right time. I think, how much more He would give, if you would just believe.

Pray for those that worship the created and not the Creator. Show them Jesus with love, not judgement. Remember our Saviors conversation at the Well, when he loved the Samaritan woman where she was. He is the only Judge, we are His vessels.

Father God, in a world with so much hate and destruction, where the color of a man’s skin can determine the love that others show and the uniform a man chooses can bring death with no reason, I pray. I ask your protection for those that serve us and I pray those persecuted, for no reason other than the color, you gave them. I pray we all see each other as your children and love the differences in all. I pray for love without judgement. I pray that we care more for the life than the lifestyle. Bring us to our knees, Father, bring us to the foot of the cross to ask forgiveness for killing each other, for hating each other, for only witnessing to those we deem worthy. My God, My God, I cry out to you for this lost world, believing you can open the hearts of the lost and turn our eyes to you. Thy will be done, on earth, as it is in Heaven. Amen.